Saturday, February 19, 2011

Remembering the 3rd Quarter CEO...

Hello everyone! We will be blogging to you about our 3rd quarter CEO. You must be wondering, 'what in the world is a CEO?’ Well, the acronym CEO stands for Creative Expansive Output. A Creative Expansive Output is the substitute for projects in our school, and as said in the name, it expresses CREATIVITY. Our 3rd Quarter CEO for Science was all about animals, how they reproduce, their biological levels of organization and such. Since every student in class had different topics, we will give you brief descriptions of ours. 

Misha- Hi guys, Misha here. I reported about the Class Aves, or as they are commonly known, birds. Birds are warm-blooded; bipedal; egg-laying animals. I had a great time making the presentation even though I slept late on some nights that I did the project. I had a slightly difficult time looking for the subgroups. There are 28, just so you know. I think the most important thing I learned in my report was that birds contribute equally to the ecology and economy, as means of food, transportation of pollen for plants, and also as pets and eaters of pests.

Zion- Hi, This is Zion. For the 3rd Quarter CEO, I reported on Viruses. First of all, Viruses are considered non-living things. Viruses become alive when it enters a host. They are smaller and simpler than bacteria. They infect all kinds of organism. Viruses are the most abundant type of biological entity. Viruses are found in almost every ecosystem in the world. When I received my topic, I immediately researched about my topic for I didn't really know much information about viruses. I had no problems while making my CEO for when I was researching about Viruses, I was so surprised that there were so much information about it. Having a lot of information about Viruses helped me make my PowerPoint. I've learned so much about viruses. The most important lesson I've learned is that Viruses are important for Viruses reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by 3 gigatonnes of carbon per year which will be very helpful especially now that we are experiencing global warming. 
Anabel- Hi guys! Last quarter I reported about Phylum Echinodermata. Phylum Echinodermata are a phylum of marine animals.  Echinoderms are found at every ocean depth, from the intertidal zone to the abyssal zone. The word is derived from the Greek χινοδέρματα (echinodermata), plural of χινόδερμα (echinoderma), "spiny skin" from χινός (echinos),"sea-urchin", originally "hedgehog," and δέρμα (derma), "skin".  They have a mesodermal skeleton composed of calcareous plates or ossicles. The varied and often vivid colors of echinoderms are produced by the action of skin pigment cells. Adult echinoderms are Pentamerous radial symmetry while the larvae echinoderms are bilaterally symmetrical. I did my best during my presentation. I had a hard time researching on their subgroups and nutrition. By the way there are 5 subgroups. I didn’t submit my report very early because it took me long researching. The most important thing I learned from my CEO is that they control the growth of seaweeds in coral reefs

Donny- Hey, everyone. As said above, we will be blogging to you about our 3rd quarter CEO topics. Well, my topic is about the Domain Bacteria. While making my research, I was a bit nervous because this was more or less the first time that I had to be reporting alone with a PowerPoint that I had made. I also had to make a handout that will serve as a summary about all of the information needed for Domain Bacteria. I learned that bacteria are very similar with Archaeans. However, bacteria do not live in extreme environments like dead seas like Archaens do.  Bacteria are ubiquitous or can be found anywhere in Earth.

Well, there you have it guys! Thanks for reading!


  1. Hi, Science Explorers! We are here to help you improve your other posts.
    Weak points:
    -It's too much wordy. We suggested you break it into paragraphs and put pictures.
    -For Anabel's post, there were some stray sentences.
    Strong points:
    -You had a good decision to put the meaning of CEO. It helps the people from outside The Learning Tree.
    Wish you have a good day! :)

  2. And may we add.

    Content- (9/10)
    Coherence- (5/5)
    Creativity- (5/5)
    Voice- (5/5)
    Mechanics- (5/5)
    Text Layout- (4/5)
    Graphics & Multimedia- (5/5)
    Intellectual Honesty- (4/5)

    Total: 42/45

  3. Hello there!

    Next time, make sure that you will do a final editing of your entry before you publish the post. The Science Adventurers gave a good observation above.

    Also, make sure that you indicate the sources of your borrowed pictures and put captions.

    Here is the breakdown of your score:

    9, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 3

    Total: 37/45
    Comment: 9/10
    Peer: 42/45


    Til next time!
