Thursday, March 3, 2011

It's In The Milk!

     Have you ever wondered how milk products are processed? Well, we did. That is why when our batch took a field trip to Los Banos, Laguna, and visited 5 destinations, one of which was the Dairy Training and Research Institute, we listened intently to our guide and we got our answers. She toured us around the facility to show us how different milk products are made. We even learned about a type of silage that is fed to cows to increase the protein in their milk! By the way, we met this really cool bull in the DTRI. Here are some details about him:

Name: Disco (place seen: Dairy Training and Research Institute)
Common name: Bull (male cattle)
Scientific name: Bos primigenius
Kingdom: Animalia                   Order: Artiodactyla
Phylum: Chordata                    Family: Bovidae
Class: Mammalia                     Subfamily: Bovinae
Subclass: Theria                      Genus: Bos
Infraclass: Eutheria                  Species: B. primigenius

Disco is all black in color except for his shoulders, knee and forehead which is color white. We chose Disco because of his color.
Ecological relationship:
Disco is a consumer and herbivore. His ecological relationship with other organisms is predation

Disco, the bull. (c) Jigger

     There was a store at the exit of DTRI that sold freshly bottled milk that came in plain and chocolate flavors. There was also some yogurt, cheese, and tofu. The milk was absolutely delicious. All in all, it was a blast learning all about dairy products.


  1. Hello Science Explorers! We are the Minigurus and we're here to evaluate your post "It's in the milk!"

    Here's your grade.
    Content: 9/10
    Coherence: 5/5
    Creativity: 4/5
    Voice: 4/5
    Mechanics: 5/5
    Text Layout: 5/5
    Graphics and Multimedia: 5/5
    Intellectual Honesty: 5/5
    TOTAL: 42/45

    Not bad! We'll explain why we gave you these grades.
    For your content, you did not answer all the questions you were supposed to answer such as "How did it feel before the actual field trip?".
    In the creativity part, we think you could have gone a bit more creative with your title.
    And with the voice, you did not properly write some Scientific names like the genus and species.
    But good job! Keep up the good work and learn from your mistakes.

  2. Thank you, Minigurus, for that evaluation. We'll work on our posts and learn from our mistakes. We'd just like to know why our scientific names are wrong, because it was underlined. :)

  3. Not only that, you did not answer any question about the field trip (please refer to guidelines).

    Here is the breakdown of your score:

    6, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 5

    Total: 39/45
    Comment: 7/10
    Peer: 42/45

