Friday, March 11, 2011

Nature-walking: Makiling Botanical Garden Style!

     Hey readers! You've probably read our last 4 posts, which is good, because now, we are down to our last location. Yes, this will be the end of the rave about the field trip (how sad). Anyways, our last location was the Makiling Botanical Garden, a place that is really beautiful, and would've been more enjoyable to stroll down through if the steps weren't wet and slippery (it had rained earlier). Add the moisture from the rain to the heat from the sun, and presto! You have humidity.We did not expect to learn anything from the garden, since we were only walking down the trail. But, we learned that biodiversity is everywhere, and without it, we wouldn't survive (they also contribute to the lessening of heat. If we weren't surrounded by plants, we would have been sweltering). We met lots of different organisms along the way, some were flowers, some were insects, some were fungi... Speaking of fungi, we found this little clump of orange fungi on a rotten log and we thought the fungi looked simply adorable (yes, adorable). So here's a sample picture of the fungi we saw and also a few details:
(c) Nathan Wilson

Organism: Pycnoporus cinnabarinus
Common name: Pycnoporus
Kingdom: Fungi
Phylum: Basidomycota
Class: Basidomycetes
Order: Poryporales
Family: Polyporaceae
Genus: Pycnoporus
Species: Pycnoporus cinnabarinus
Ecological relationship: Decomposer

     So, that's a wrap folks. We enjoyed this field trip because it made memories that could last a lifetime. After the trip, we were exhausted (of course) but deeply pleased because of the knowledge and fun that we attained during the field trip. We hope you enjoyed reading our last few blog posts about this marvelous adventure, which we took in the care of our very own urban guru. Thank you for taking time to read this!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello guys! RECaJiInna is deeply sorry that we were that last to comment. We liked your blog so here is the break down of your score:

    Content - 8
    Text Layout-5
    Intellectual Honesty-5
    Graphics & Multimedia -5

    Total Score-41/45

    We liked your blog but it was too short! There were so many organisms you could have talked about as well! And we also wished you could have given us more of an insight of what YOU think about MBG. Well, to your credit we could find no grammar or punctuation mistakes! Good job! Oh, and yes, the fungus is adorable!


  3. Here is the breakdown of your score:
    7, 5, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

    Total: 41/45
    Comment: 10/10
    Peer: 41/45

